LF HST is an oven designed by LAMIFLEX for glass lamination and heat soak testing.

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LF HST is the only method that can ensure at a certainty of more than 95% that there will be no spontaneous breakage caused by the presence of nickel sulphide in float glasses; these impurities are invisible to the naked eye.

  • Vertical HST treatment.
  • Prevents spontaneous breakage of tempered glass due to nickel sulphide impurities.
  • Superb temperature uniformity in the glass.
  • Single door lock.
  • Lamiflex software offering quality control and traceability of the process.

Need to modify oven size?

Besides basic models we manufacture furnaces of any configuration and size, focused on specific customer needs satisfaction.

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What our clients say about our firm

The most reliable glass lamination ovens

Lamiflex kilns for glass lamination that ensure optimal results in terms of quality, production volume and cost efficiency.

Anton Yerkey
CEO, Smart Glass Group,

Get a free quote today.

Lamiflex designs and builds custom-made industrial ovens to meet the needs of efficiency, performance and consumption.

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